Hi superuber! my brother won't shut up about "how awsome the super squadrent is".
I am the CEO of Purple Publishing Studios and currently working on a video game called Patrick's Quest: Purple Edition.
Age 29, Male
Cleveland, Ohio
Joined on 9/18/07
Hi superuber! my brother won't shut up about "how awsome the super squadrent is".
so hows it going?
im brian!
nice to meet you!
Oh god...
huh? what?
I'm commenting you now!!!! seriously I am! ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR??? you wanna fight about it ****knocks yo @$$ out*** whatcha gonna do now??
kick ya in duh nuts
sorry brian it's just that i thought i was done being the boss asistant and how do you get promotion cause you never told me this or i just forgot tell me agian to refresh my memory : )
simple, by doing what i assigned you.
NO Offense, but, you said you can't program Flash yet you have 2 submissions. Did you actually work on them?
eh, no!
i just needed some flash to brag to some asshole users
ill get flash for christmas.
Gtfo, UziFag.
HA! i see you dont like my flash about your precious fleek?
retrato didnt like the fact he was called ga either!
So, you've actually been Brian all this time?
well, alex and my other friends went on awhile ago, but no.
sign me up
here's my resume:
1. don't have flash design
2. great drawing skills
3. good sprite picture-maker
4. specialty are Mario-Themed sprites
Okay, you seem to qualify.
Pm 1337leader and ask him if its ok.
count me in!
will do!
whoa, there is a hell of a lot of people here in our squadrant!
lol, i know!
i wonder if my idea for a collection will ever work...
of course it will, just give it some time....
yeah, your right
Ok you got me. I'll join on one condition: you don't constantly bug me to make you a pic ok?
You got a deal!
1337 said i was good to go!
You do know that I can do special affects too right?
i know
and if you do that with the icons, i cant use them
Wait... You are Brian???!!! :D
Do you think we can put all of this crap behind us?
What crap?
Its not like we ever had a fight
Well, I mean like when you admitted that you lied to allot of people.
It caused allot of confusion and problems. Me and you didn't fight, but I still thought that was kind of a crappy thing you did, so yeah. I didn't now you were back this entire time. XD
Oober brain fart. :P
Hitman isn't MY thing...
any other positions?
Uhh, sure. What do you want?
Hey man. WTF is goin on in life? Anything new? How long have you been back? Who am I? Who stole my wallet? Why can't I see my (cencored)?
What were you sayin? hi.
(NOTE: Me=special)
so far
1337leader became my best friend
we made a website
me and retrato hate each other now
i have more members than he does
my buddy named Salvo joinedd
Dude, i havent done any work in the last 2 months, yeah, no labor.
notice that you arent the one who got employee of the week.