bah, you used to care quite a bit, shame.
I am the CEO of Purple Publishing Studios and currently working on a video game called Patrick's Quest: Purple Edition.
Age 29, Male
Cleveland, Ohio
Joined on 9/18/07
bah, you used to care quite a bit, shame.
i know
but i was sucking up to him earlier
now i dont really care about people who make fun of him.
especially his dog
You have no dick beside the on in your ass from your dad raping you all the time.
never had a dad
and i have a dick too
i use it to pee
where did you steal yor avatar from
i made it, dickhead!
haven't seem you in a while how is the super squadrant anyway : )
pretty well!
the ss well never die right?
unless the world explodes
then i couldnt get to a computer
holy shit candy
i weigh 120 pounds, dipshit.
Dude, just let the fagbag leave and go back to banging his 4 year old brother. You gotta feel wat the dude's going through. His mom's such a whore, when anybody sings "We Are Family" around him, it actually TRUE!
...fagbag, lol...
JUST SHUT UP, YOU BROTHER FUCKER. superuber has thanked us a MILLION TIMES for our contributions and we're proud to be a part of the NEXT BIG THING ON NG. The only big thing in your future is from the desperate guy in yur elementary skool, so be like mike, and just beat it.
thank you!
finally, elliez3, you can now fuck off
Whaddya say SU, should we accept another into the brotherhood? MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH...(c hoke)
we would love to have others join my---our company!
SWEET! I PM'ed Eminem915612 and told him to chek it out. Apparently, he likes it here!
you know what?
im gonna promote ya!
So I'm rollin through McDonalds,
I'm gettin a number 2,
but i know elliez3 gonna act rude and mess up my food,
he says, " Here's a cheezeburger and your fries too."
I say, " Wow, thanks a lot, BUT WHERE MY FRIES AT, FOO!?"
and the apple pie?
that little shit forgot yer pie!
How does one join?
ask me
then tell me what position u wanna be
its that simple! :-)
Wazzup, Bri? Just wanted to let you know, elliez3 has kept telling me how he's gonna drag you into court, and I've had to KEEP REPEATING all the flaws in that, (UA, he started it, he doesn't know your home adress, etc.) but the 10-yr old won't LEAVE ME ALONE.
- "let the bodies hit the floor,
let the bodies hit the floor,
let the bodies hit the.... FLOOR!"
hey, block his ass
the fagbag (elliez3) told me to tell you to unblok him so you can "talk".
block him
i dont talk to hippies high on pot
To: Elliez3 (manard, tell him this.)
(start msg)
Even if he is 24, he still can't sue Brian cuz
1) He started it by quitting and leaving shit here , AND
2) He can't sue a minor.
3)I have freedom of speech
<a href=""></a>
Click on Paul vs. Yukon
Click on Electrivial Pursuit
then watch the rest.
HELLO??? ... (I'm ALL ALONE)
btw: i saw manard leave a CRAP REVIEW on one of the Convo submissions. Is that y he's off the ;list?
no, he quit because i didnt give him any monee cuz he gave me one shitty flash idea
you wouldn't call it a bitch to be grammatically correct, as that isn't proper grammar,
that's proper terminology.
oh yeah, my bad
anyway you can call retrato's dog whatever you want
i dont really care anymore